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Sunday, February 05, 2006

“吴哥”出自梵语“Nagara”,其历史背景可以追朔到公元802年。高棉Khmer是柬埔寨旧称,当年高棉国王嘉亚娃曼(Jayavarman)二世统一了高棉王国后,建都洞里萨湖北岸,并修建通向四方的Royal Road,将此地定名为“吴哥”,即“首都之城”的意思。吴哥王朝先后有25位国王执政,而且历代国王均曾大兴土木建造宫殿与寺庙,遂使吴哥逐渐成为整个高棉人的宗教、精神、经济和文化中心。全盛时期,吴哥王朝的疆土曾一度括壤中南半岛南端、孟加拉湾、部分越南和马来亚半岛。直至公元1431年泰人入侵,高棉王被逼迁都150英里外的金边,任泰人大肆掠夺吴哥城内的珠宝。泰人掠夺后并没有长期占据吴哥,而高棉王也没有再兴建吴哥,才任这曾经叱咤风云的都市在日晒雨淋中渐渐荒凉。有趣的是,高棉境内完全没有与吴哥有关的任何文献记载,即使是一点蛛丝马迹。至今为止,唯一留下来的文字记录就是一个曾经到过吴哥的汉人记载的一个文献。但发掘吴哥的却不是汉人,而是法国人亨利。莫哈特(HenryiMouhot)。亨利是地理学家,1860年为收集动植物标本而来到高棉地区,误打误撞下竟然闯入吴哥窟,才使这沉睡400年的秘密花园重见天日。消息传出后,为发掘吴哥窟的消失之谜,蜂涌而来的考古学家众多,加上慕名而来的旅客,遂使吴哥窟附近的暹粒省渐渐发展成著名的旅游区。 Posted by Picasa

Bayon Temple

巴扬庙(Bayon Temple). 巴扬庙建筑雕刻同样体现了高棉文化的精髓,由于高棉曾先后受到印度教,佛教的影响,所以宗教色彩在艺术发展上有无法磨灭的影响。巴扬庙的建筑格局前后左右对称,感觉上异常平衡优美。最外层是孤立的石柱,本来作为屋顶的支撑,但由于屋顶在历史的洪流中陆续坍塌,目前只剩下柱子和门框,而底层四面都是各式各样的浮雕,形成是一座浮雕回廊。 Posted by Picasa

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Saturday, February 04, 2006

Angkor trip 2006....

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Jayavaram VII, spoke of his intentions in erecting temples as being:
“full of deep sympathy for the good of the world, so as to bestow on men the ambrosia of remedies to win them immortality….By virtue of these good works would that I might rescue all those who are struggling in the ocean of existence.”

Ta Prohm

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Unlike other temples at Angkor, Ta Prohm has been left as it was found, preserved as an example of what a tropical forest will do to an architectural monument when the protective hands of humans are withdrawn. Ta Prohm's walls, roofs, chambers and courtyards have been sufficiently repaired to stop further deterioration, and the inner sanctuary has been cleared of bushes and thick undergrowth, but the temple has been left in the stranglehold of trees. Having planted themselves centuries ago, the tree's serpentine roots pry apart the ancient stones and their immense trunks straddle the once bustling Buddhist temple. Built in the later part of the 12th century by Jayavarman VII, Ta Prohm is the terrestrial counterpart of the star Eta Draconis the Draco constellation.

Angkor Wat morning

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Angkor Wat, built during the early years of the 12th century by Suryavaram II, honors the Hindu god Vishnu and is a symbolic representation of Hindu cosmology. Consisting of an enormous temple symbolizing the mythic Mt. Meru, its five inter-nested rectangular walls and moats represent chains of mountains and the cosmic ocean. The short dimensions of the vast compound are precisely aligned along a north-south axis, while the east-west axis has been deliberately diverted 0.75 degrees south of east and north of west, seemingly in order to give observers a three day anticipation of the spring equinox.